Saturday, February 24, 2007

no computer day

Here's one ... someone has determined 24 March to be no computer day. What would happen if for just 24 hours we would switch off our computers and take a break from the internet?

Ahhhh, nope, not me, mines on 24x7 - the global experiment will have to go on without me. Perhaps someone participating will send me an email ... no wait, they couldn't do that, oh well ...

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  1. i'm with you. i'll email ya.

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I love my 'no computer' days. Usually Saturday or Sunday are my no computer days.

    I think there is just something to be said for pulling away from these things even for just one day. It reminds me of someone who would constantly call to talk business on my 'day off'. The concept of not staying in constant touch with everyone is a strange feeling or concept to some.

    Fortunately for the internet, if it's not on, everyone else has to accept that fact that I'm not available. It's great.

  3. yeah - that's one of the 10 commandments isn't it? Thou shalt not surf the internet on the Sabbath ... or something like that.
