Sunday, February 25, 2007

jesus' baptism and power

When His [Jesus'] commands to the demons were obeyed, there ought to be only one conclusion for the onlookers: Israel's god was at last becoming king. 'The kingdom of god has come upon you.' The battle was already joined, and it was the battle, not with Rome, but with the true accuser, satan. - N.T. Wright

The first Exodus was when Israel went through the Red Sea. The final Exodus is symbolically seen when Jesus went through the Jordan in baptism. Rather than deliverance from Pharaoh, Jesus offers deliverance from Satan. Then, at that moment, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus. The presence of the Holy Spirit was always known to Him but now we begin to see the power of the Holy Spirit through Him.

In the same way, we die to our old lives and are resurrected. This can only happen by the Holy Spirit. But additionally, the Holy Spirit now comes in a new way to empower us for the work of the Kingdom. The battle is not with flesh and blood - it is spiritual. We need the power that comes from on high. It all begins and ends with the Spirit of God.

A.W. Tozer said that we should not think of the Holy Spirit and power, but of the Holy Spirit as power.

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