Friday, February 09, 2007

inward revolutions

David Hayward, The Naked Pastor, posts this excellent quote from Inward Revolutions by Krishnamurti,

If you have a talent, beware of it, because it gives you an opportunity to develop your own desire for power, position, prestige. You have noticed it, haven’t you? A man who has a talent, a gift, whether on the piano, or with words, or in politics, or whatever it is, uses that talent to become somebody. Haven’t you noticed all these things? If a man is tremendously well-known because he is a violinist, and you remove that violin, he is nobody. So a person who would find what truth is must be very aware of his talent and not misuse it. He must use that talent with great humility. Humility is never to climb the ladder of success, never to be ’somebody’ in this world. When you have that humility, then talent is not a danger.
And then there's the old adage, "Our greatest strengths are often our greatest weaknesses." So it's good to not have any talent or strengths ... not.

PS - if you like good photography, original cartoons, and thought provoking writing, I highly recommend Hayward's blog. I also wonder how many hits he gets just because of the title.

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1 comment:

  1. thanks for the mention and the link. cool pic, cigar and all. love a nice cigar!
