Saturday, February 10, 2007

ice water and global warming


I have to admit I'm one of the holdouts to the global warming theory. I still see it as part of the normal cycle of history. A colleague just asked me, if I have a glass full of ice and water and the ice melts, will the glass overflow? Answer - No! It's hard for me to understand the science behind the ice caps are melting and the oceans are rising.

But I'm just not as bright as some ...

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Yes, it's true... if you have a glass FULL of water and ice, it won't overflow, because of water's superficial tension. The problem is, my friend, that the earth is not a glass, and it's not full... If glaciars and Icebergs are FLOATING at ocean's surface, like a simple ice cube in a half-full glass of water (which floats because density and weight of ice is lower than water on its liquid form and the ice cube protrudes the superficial layer of water) and they melt, they ARE going to rise up the level of the ocean...
