Friday, February 16, 2007

i see the bible changing?????

The Bible is fluid??? What are they saying?!? These guys say some good stuff but there is some really bad stuff blended into it. More heresy from the Emergents at Solomon's Porch. At least the guy in the gym clothes preaching dressed up by wearing a top hat.

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  1. Rick,

    I think the best way to "splain" it is that the Bible is a living book...

    A living thing is not static...

    So, in a sense the bible is not static "truth" that does not move... or change...

    I think what moderns hear is that we are changing truth, yet that is not the idea at all... it is as this Living Truth (Jesus) lives in us as we read the Living book... our lives change and the book changes as our eyes are open.

    Remember though some are "postmodern" who are "exploring" the christian faith... and are not "christian"... in a sense... yet have found faith in Jesus and are working it all out from their perspective.

    Like a drug addict must learn how to face the world sober... "postmodern" Christians try to face the world with this new filter called the biblical world view... so explanations will sound off...

    Like a modern (as well as a postmodern) person will take "personal truth" to mean "whatever you feel like believing" yet as a postmodern readjusts his world view... it becomes intertwined with the core value of relationships. So as one combines "personal truth" this intense relationship with Jesus one find that Jesus becomes that "personal truth in relationship"... Jesus is THE TRUTH and we have a Personal relationship with that Truth... it spun my head a bit when I realized what was happening there and I think many are not seeing this or do but have no way of explaining it.

    On one hand one will hear "buzz words" but they are morphing... it is pretty tricky and quite fascinating... it is like if I said "bro" to you as a black man to a black man... or as a Christian to a fellow Christian... the kinship idea is there... but the deeper meaning between us is more than skin color... it is about "blood"... Which is Jesus'and of course which is in itself another example of what I am talking about... we are related on a whole other level. (grin) Hope that all makes some sense. LOL!

    In a way it is about conforming to he image of Christ... and seeing postmodernism morph into that image also.

    Again, some are not saved as in modern churches so what they say is not "right on" but again their voice is of great value as it reflects the culture we are attempting to reach out to. (I also admit a bit of discomfort at times over some words as shibboleths are developing.

    IOW... it gets thick... LOL!


  2. Thanks Iggy. Agreed - not all that is said is all that is meant. And that's why on an individual basis, I'll not group all "emergents" and say "heretic". But as a whole, some of what is said is what is meant. We nor they really seem to know which is which among them. I think this is not ok.

    If I think of Jesus and the Apostles, I think they found language that was shocking to the current religious culture. So I have space for post-moderns to do the same.

    But by definition, Jesus and the Apostles spoke truth. As we speak, while we can (and probably should) challenge the status quo, we need to be careful to not contradict any Biblical truth.

    I think emergents have done this.

    When Jesus spoke to a person in the culture using words that offended some but connected with others, He did so in a way that was timeless and crossed cultures. These words that spoke to the Samaritan women at the well, as an example, still speak to us today - modern or post-modern.

    We need to find a way to communicate truth. The truth packaged in way that is truth to one group but not to another probably isn't truth. While I can accept all of its facets may not be understandable, it must still be truth.

    Yet I understand your point and thank you for your love and encouragement "bro"

    ;- )
