Saturday, February 24, 2007

god's grace through service

I continue in the belief that God is directing our small but faithful weekly service projects. Today was a simple project, we went door-to-door in a couple of low income housing areas passing out paper towel and granola bars (some in the group spent time cleaning out a storage shed for a elderly lady confined to a wheel chair).

In doing this, we are typically unsure of how someone may be touched or what specifically God is doing. We only know that if this is what He is doing, then we have no option than participate and to do so joyfully - even when we are not aware of the fruit.

I was blessed today however to speak with an older lady who told me that months ago, a family from our church brought her a turkey and other food stuff for Thanksgiving. She told them that she had a desire to get into nursing but at her age and financial situation, she was not so sure. They prayed with her and soon after she applied and was accepted into nursing school. She asked me and my service partner to pray with her now because she is convinced that God hears us when we pray. She has a licensing test in a week and want His peace, help, etc..

As we prayed it was clear that God was at work in her and she obviously open to spiritual things. We discussed her health as well as how to care for her ill neighbor. Serving in the Name of the Lord is a contagious thing and impacts so many aspects of life. I just thank God that He has invited us to participate in giving Him glory in this way.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    How awesome. Sends shivers down my spine, and puts a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing this Rick.
