Tuesday, February 06, 2007


In his latest newsletter on NSV's outreach program, David Smith provides these words of wisdom ...

There’s this old saying that goes: ‘you can catch a fish for someone and feed them for a day, or teach them how to fish and feed them for a lifetime.’

Not bad advice. Though still a little difficult since we all really enjoy catching the fish. Last time I was watching the National Fishing Championship on ESPN (or accidentally flipped to it) I noticed they were giving out the trophies to those who actually caught the fish. There were no ribbons for past teachers or equipment guys who helped design the fishing rods, boats, or bait. All the attention went to those catching the fish.

Therefore, it’s no wonder why we all struggle with teaching others how to fish. If you’re not the one holding the fishing pole at the end of the day, people seem not to care about you as much.

But that’s one of the things I love the most about Jesus. Notice how he didn’t do all the fishing. He actually left the disciples in charge of spreading the church worldwide. When Jesus left the movement was in shambles…his disciples (which by the way, many were once fisherman) had pretty much failed their latest test of faith and doubt seemed triumphant. If it was a fishing contest, let’s just say the nets were slightly…empty.

But Jesus didn’t ‘physically’ stick around to catch the majority of the fish. He empowered his disciples—men who were not as equipped. He empowered them to go make disciples of all nations. And that’s what they did. Jesus didn’t catch all the fish for them, he taught them how to ‘spiritually’ fish for themselves. And what a difference that made.

We’re going to Monterrey Mexico this summer to be fishing instructors. We’re teaming up with Back2Back Ministries—who 10 years ago could have pronounced themselves the best fishers when they arrived in Monterrey. They could have said: “We are the orphan professions…so you better get out of our way!” But instead, in the same Christ-like way, they came in to instruct, and empower, and teach existing orphanages how to fish better. With that kind of approach and humility, we are thrilled to partner with them again this summer ...

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