Friday, January 12, 2007


The final season of Sopranos starts 16 January. Am I bad for watching this?

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  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Not bad, just emergent :P

  2. I have not seen the show, but based on what I saw in the previews, I can say that this is smth that God would not approve His children to watch. It is too easy to say: "It not a big deal", it is however more difficult for us sinful humans to say no to something that is appealing to our fleshly desires, interests, curiosity, etc.. It is a matter of training ourselves to be godly (1 Tim 4:7b-8). When was the last time when you said "no" to your desires and appetites, just for the sake of training yourself to be godly?

  3. I had a salad last night and this afternoon ... but I suppose the system isn't about building up positive credits huh?
