Monday, January 08, 2007

pulpit magazine

Nathan Busenitz is taking another stab at the Charismatic Question in Pulpit Magazine. He plans a series of posts on the topic in preparation for a seminar he will lead at the upcoming Shepherd's Conference.

When dealing with teachers that present a mixed bag of good and bad stuff, we use the expression, "you can still eat the chicken, just be careful not to swallow all of the bones." I've tried to live that way but recently wrote to some friends that since I was spending so much time messing with the same bones over and over again from the MacArthur camp, I was giving up on them. These guys are excellent teachers (recently I have benefitted a lot from Dan Phillips) but I've become worn out by the constant bombardment of some of their erroneous conclusions followed by the caustic accusations stemming from those conclusions. And, while there may be no direct relationship, there's a pretty nasty bunch that builds on some of these wrong ideas.

Anyway, I'm rambling ... what I want to say is that I have not only kept my Pyro/Phillips links, I've added Pulpit Magazine. I hope that Busenitz can clearly state his understanding of Scripture in a way that will lift up Jesus and edify His body.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    i'm with you on that rick. they seem nasty and so un-grace-filled with much of what they have to say. it becomes wearisome to keep eating that chicken and keep chokin on those bones...
