Monday, January 08, 2007

more celtic stuff

I was positively impressed with The Celtic Way of Evangelism by George Hunter. Jason Clark just wrote four encouraging summary points on the Celtic way.

  1. Celtic Christianity was culturally sensitive with a respect for the beliefs of others. They lived alongside people, modelling and living what they taught, bringing the bible alive.
  2. Celtic Christianity relied on the power of the Holy Spirit. As time went on many Celtic churchmen replaced the Druids as counsellors to kings and there are many stories about the humble way they went about their tasks, often refusing gifts and comfort offered by their patrons living a reliance on the Holy Spirit.
  3. Celtic Christianity was community, it was based around the family and the tribe, they were organised in local communities. Their bishops were travelling preachers under the guidance of the leaders of the communities. These communities were schools, prayer houses, hospitals, hostels, social action centres and craft centres all rolled into one, providing security as communities within a community in a time of social instability
  4. Celtic Christians were a passionate group of believers and loved life. The Celtic Christians shared their faith and their lives out of the joyful abandonment to a life lived to the full in relationship with Jesus. This is reflected in the love of nature; love of their fellow man and in their prayers

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