Sunday, January 07, 2007

the message of the kingdom

"We got the gospel wrong; we were living in the wrong story. We were telling the story of modernity and Baby Boom aspirations rather than the radical message of the kingdom." - Todd Hunter

What or whose story are you telling? If it isn't ultimately the story of the Kingdom, it isn't the right one.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    The message of the kingdom is, most times, misunderstood. For most it is an intellectual exercise in learning scriptures and the story of redemtive history.
    However, the story of the kingdom is LIVED--here and now until the culmination of the kingdom at the coming of Christ. It is to be lived, experienced and shared.

    A great book not only explaining the theological of the kingdom of God but also the practical is Rick McKinley's "This Beautiful Mess." A must read for anyone studying the kingdom of God and what it looks like today.
