Wednesday, January 31, 2007

kleenex evangelism

Greg Atkinson at MMI points us to Kleenex's recent advertisements as an eye-opener to how the church meet better show up to others.

I like Atkinson's comment,

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe no one else resonates with these commercials. But if you do, if you see the beauty and wonder of these commercials and get a little choked up yourself, I encourage you to press in deeper. Ask yourself why these commercials move you. Look beyond the ad and to the concept. Reflect and chew on what takes place in these ads. One man as he’s beginning to cry says, “I don’t know where this is coming from.” We, as Christians and Church leaders, know that we are wired for community and it’s healthy to do life together. These people and the Kleenex company affirm that realization without even approaching it from a spiritual perspective.
Of course I'm obligated by my employer to say that Puffs will work even better. This is hard for me ... at our last Saturday outreach we gave out boxes of Puffs to people in a government housing area. The team leader kept referring to them as Kleenex but I bit my lip as I reminded myself that this was about something more important than accuracy.
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1 comment:

  1. Hey Rick,

    I read and re-read those pages you gave me out of Grudem's Sytematic Theology and I believe he has a valid point. After looking over many of the scriptures in 1 Co. 14 I have altered my position and do believe that someone with the gift of tongues can pray both publicly (w/ an interpreter of course) and privately. I guess my main issue with it was that I see so many people who claim to have this gift yet they live like devils. Apparently if the lifestyle doesn't line up with the Word then the gift they may claim to have is counterfeit. For the most part, however, I am convinced and I wanted to thank you for your patience and loving encouragement to battle with this issue. God Bless you in your service to the King. CBX out!
