Tuesday, January 23, 2007

heretic defined

Many folks out there in the blogshere toss around the word heretic. I've often wondered what the agreed upon definition was. I stumbled upon this at Against Heresies and thought it seemed right. I'm going with this for now.

"The Reformed orthodox generally also note, in connection with the idea of fundamental articles, three kinds of doctrinal error:

(1) errors directly against a fundamental article (contra fundamentum)

(2) errors around a fundamental or in indirect contradiction to it (circa fundamentum)

(3) errors beyond a fundamental article (praeter fundamentum)

The first kind of error is a direct attack--such as those launched by the Socinians--against the divinity of Christ or the Trinity. The second is not a direct negation or an antithesis but rather an indirect or secondary error ultimately subversive of a fundamental--such as a belief in God that refuses to acknowledge his providence. The third category of error does not address fundamental articles directly or indirectly but rather involves faith in problematic and curious questions (quaestiones problematicas et curiosas) that do not arise out of the revealed Word--hay and stubble!--and that, because of their curiosity and vanity, constitute diversions from and impediments to salvation."

Richard Muller, PRRD vol. 1:Prolegomena to Theology, p. 422-3

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1 comment:

  1. Rick,

    I have found the following definition of heresy by Mike Horton helpful

    Heresy is “any teaching that directly contradicts the clear and direct witness of the Scriptures on a point of salvific importance.”
