Wednesday, January 17, 2007

better get packin'

If you are a pre-tribber, you might want to get your stuff packed. The doomsday clock has just ticked forward.

Scientist Stephen Hawking described climate change Wednesday as a greater threat to the planet than terrorism. Hawking made the remarks as other prominent scientists prepared to push the giant hand of its Doomsday Clock a symbol of the risk of atomic cataclysm and now also of climate change closer to midnight. Hawking warned that "as citizens of the world, we have a duty to alert the public to the unnecessary risks that we live with every day."

It was the fourth time since the end of the Cold War that the clock has ticked forward, this time from 11:53 to 11:55, amid fears over what the trans-Atlantic group of scientists is describing as "a second nuclear age" prompted largely by atomic standoffs with Iran and North Korea.
Co-incidently (or not), Randy "no-blog", just sent me a note about an IRS ruling that reminded me of a Larry Norman song, Reader's Digest.

you think it's such a sad thing
when you see a fallen king,
then you find out
they're only princes to begin with.
and everybody has to choose
whether they will win or lose
follow God or sing the blues
and who they're gonna sin with,
what a mess the world is in
i wonder who began it,
don't ask me
i'm only visiting this planet…
this world is not my home...
i'm just passing through...
Yep, the end is near - well ... it's certainly closer than ever.

As a side note, I had a friend who had a chance to speak to Larry Norman once. Since my friend was in the Vineyard and knew some of Norman's history, he asked if he knew anything about the Vineyard. Norman responded, "yep, I started it." I got a kick out of that and found that same statement in the official Larry Noman Bio.

And in 1974 Larry started The Vineyard Church which met in his living room on Wednesdays in Los Angeles. It grew to become several hundred churches around the world.

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  1. I love Larry... He is a character of characters...

    A bit of trivia for...

    My wife and i helped Larry's parents get their house ready for moving when they moved from San Jose to Oregon...

    One time larry looked at my wife a said, "You are a striking beauty!" It shocked her a bit as well as me.

    I had a chance to thank him for his music and how it helped me in coming to the Lord. If it was not for Larry, Randy and Degarmo and Key, I would have just left because every where I went did not want a long haired rock and roller in their church... I was "bad, very bad". LOL!

    I would not be surprised if Larry did start the Vineyard... His family went to the AoG and Larry sometimes mentioned that his family was a bit on the legalistic side, though I found Joe,his father very warm and loving and very proud of his son...


  2. Iggy - cool story ... it's fun to go down memory lane. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Thanks for the bit of trivia Rick... I had no idea about the Larry Norman/Vineyard connection!
