Monday, December 25, 2006

neither money nor programs

Spencer Burke, creator of the Ooze and author of A Heretic's Guide to Eternity, said;

There is a lot of money for the postmodern game. Anything can be sponsored and fed money to. The modern church will pump money into church planting, books, and movies. But the sun burns brightest before it sets. They are trying to reach young people. However, they will realize that they were wasting their money and walk away. After this, there will be people who apply the gospel in postmodern cultures.
I've not read Burke's stuff and I've seen a lot of back-and-forth on the blogsphere regarding his teaching. I'm not touching any of that until I've read more of his stuff which will probably be never. But I'd like to tackle the above in a little more detail.

I think the above is an eternal truism and is not a function of postmodern, modern, or any other fade, cultural trend, etc.. Whenever the institutionalized Church throws money at the world the result will be failure and frustration. Whenever the Church of the Living God shows up to the world with the Gospel, the result is miraculous.

In that context, I have can fully support the statement. If however the statement is intended to enlighten the Church to throw off it's history, etc. and move to some postmodern, emergent, or whatever approach, then shame on those propagating this. This issue is not postmodern v. anything else, it is the Gospel v. everything else. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation. Thats it.

Now regarding money. Jesus teaches us in Luke that it is wise to use His possessions to build relationships with the world. Money can be an excellent tool. The "trick" of course is to use it not profit for ourselves, but to build connections with the lost so that the Gospel may be demonstrated and proclaimed where it may not have otherwise have had opportunity. If Burke's intent was to say "money is not the answer, rather the Gospel is" then again, cool. If it was a reaction to things to do with money, than I think he misses that point.

All that we are and all that God has given us to manage is to be used for His glory. We are to go into the world to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples.

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