Saturday, December 16, 2006

ivy v. phillips

He looks young but don't let that fool you, Robert Ivy is doing a fair job addressing some arguments Dan Phillips has used to dupe less worthy adversaries. I recommend reading these because they clearly outline the fallacy contained in the logic of so many like Phillips - and I find it such a shame. These guys have so much excellent truth but they lose it in their conclusions or side issues.

Contra DJP#1
Contra DJP#2
Contra DJP#3
Contra DJP#4

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Thanks a bunch for the link rick. Just so you know, there's already rebuttals to three more of Dan's articles on the docket (I just posted number 5).

    Beyond that, I'm working on two more articles that attempt to really strike at the heart of the debate, but those may be another week or so away.

    I hope everyone finds them edifying!
