Friday, December 15, 2006

ilona's homegroup

I like Ilona's blog Truegrit because it stirs real thinking on a wide range of topics. Today she is answering someone's question about what to do in small group. Drop by and give her some more thoughts.

My key points are:

  • Worship - some form of remembering that God is God and we are not. That can be singing, it can be poetry, art, reading a Scripture, giving a testimony, etc.. There should be a call to lift up God and tell of His greatness.
  • Word - we need to turn to Scripture. It is ok to learn from other books, videos, etc. from time to time but we want people to know that all they need is found in the pages of God’s written Word.
  • Works - we want to have the above launch us to action. At a minimum this is praying that we would realize in our lives what we got from the above. It ideally leads to practical help and acts of service.
And the reminder that it is about community not the meeting. The meeting is only 2 hours of the week's 168. In the end we must live life together in a way that helps each of us toward Christ-likeness.

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