Friday, December 08, 2006

godly v. worldly leadership

There has long been a trend to incorporate worldly leadership principles into the Church. Some have rejected this completely and some have embraced it completely. I think the answer is neither. I think the issue is about foundation. In this article in MMI, Mark Simpson outlines some good foundational points regarding where the two approaches are different. Once the foundation is set, I think we can benefit from worldly wisdom if we do not disrupt the foundation - that must remain.

Here are a couple of excerpts:

There is a great danger being released on church leadership in these days: a suggestion that leadership principles in the church are very similar, perhaps identical, to those found in a business, a corporation, a secular company. First, let us look at Matthew 20:20-28. There Jesus makes it very clear: “The rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not so among you.” (vs. 25-26)

... kingdom leadership is built only on the humility that comes from the death to self accomplished by the Cross. “We have no ability of our own. We have nothing that we have not received. We can do nothing in God’s service except when He imparts the enablement by His Spirit. We have nothing outside of grace of which we can boast, so there is no justification whatsoever for pride. If we are not humble before God, pride will invalidate any spiritual authority we are meant to have, and we will be spiritually immobilized. In such circumstances, any authority exercised can only be carnally imposed. IT IS ONLY AS WE MOVE AND WALK IN THE DIMENSION OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD THAT WE WILL REMAIN HUMBLE AND BE EQUIPPED TO BEAR TRUE AUTHORITY.” (John Carr, Dundee, Scotland)

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  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "leadership principles in the church are very similar, perhaps identical, to those found in a business, a corporation, a secular company"

    I have found that crushing when it is th emain attitude of leadership. It leads to "throw way" Christians when they burn out after being used in building the bottom line of the Church services, which is seen as "chruch" currency - come to our church, free child care, free this free that. If it isn't on the right foundation of love for God and each other ( as you point out) it just uses up people and throws them aside. I wonder how many of the hurt disillusioned "ex-Christians" resulted from just this sort of corporate takeover of what is supposed to be the body of Christ?

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    sorry for all the typos...
