Thursday, December 07, 2006

diligence in bible study

Are we aggressive enough in our study of God's Word? Generally no. Dan Phillips posts a good reminder in Pyromaniacs of how aggressive we must be when it comes to penetrating the truths in the Bible. Since he also touches on plagiarism, did I mention this post is by Dan Phillips?

One of the links led to a good article on plagiarism at Desiring God Ministries. I know I have been guilty of that. I don't believe it was out of a sense of laziness but more from a sense of awe in what the original speaker presented that I found little that I could improve on. I think that I should be more diligent in crediting those creative and thoughtful teachers that I have learned from.

Finally, completely off topic, if you read Phillips' great post, please once again ignore his inability to leave out a comment of those that think God is alive and well by misrepresenting our thinking and referring to us as ascribing to a "leaky-Canon". One day he will take his own advice and dig through the Scriptures enough to find the truth on that. The good news is that we have been promoted to "brother" so I'll take that for now.

By the way, did I mention the post was by Dan Phillips at Pyromaniacs.

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