Tuesday, November 21, 2006

who to imitate?

Dan Phillips provides yet another excellent admonition over at Pyromaniacs. This one is to "Admire godly examples, past and present. Learn from them. Respect them. But don't chain yourself to them. And don't hide behind them as an excuse for not engaging the text of Scripture."

I add only two comments - first, ignore the "leaky-canon" bit and second, ask yourself to whom are you a godly example. As part of being discipled and discipling others, are you living a life that causes others to turn toward God and His Word?

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  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I have seen the phrase "leaky-canon" used on several blogs and was wondering just what was meant by that.

  2. Leaky Canon is used because we believe the Canon of Scripture is closed - it can never be added to or taken from. If we believe that God speaks revelation to us other than to remind us of or bring to life what is already contained in Scripture, then do we really believe the Canon is closed, therefore, it "leaks".

    As Charismatics, we believe both without saying it leaks but many would argue we are deceived.

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Thanks for your comment over there. You're a saner man than I am, Gunga Din. When the "leaky Canon" snark came across, I lost 99% of the remaining material (most of which was very good) until your comment calmed me down, and I re-read the article.

  4. thanks brendt - at first it also drove me crazy, now it just frustrates me. at this point, dan does it just for effect. i think each side has made their points so it's time for me to let it go - easier said than done.
