Monday, November 13, 2006

where do works fit?

“The Calvinistic proposition is that we are saved by ‘grace’ in order that we may be judged by ‘works’ ... Justification gives to me the sinner the right to serve God; sanctification imparts to sinners the heart to serve God; and judgment is according to the service rendered. It is ex gratia in order that it may be ex labore. Sinners are redeemed for service-redeemed that they may obey God with spontaneity and happiness. Will a sinner’s deeds save him? No; he must be saved in order to do. Will his ‘works’ justify him? No; he must be justified in order to have the right and the privilege to work. Will his labors sanctify him? No; he must be sanctified in order to have the heart to labor. Will his deeds be mentioned in the day of judgment? Yes, every one of them will figure in the reckoning which God will make with his soul. Are ‘good works’ necessary to salvation? Yes; by his fruits the sinner will be known and judged at the last day. He who has done little will receive little; and he who has done much will receive much; and he who has done nothing will be cast into outer darkness.” R.A. Webb - Christian Salvation: its Doctrine and Experience.

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