Thursday, November 30, 2006

warren haters

I mentioned Rick Warren haters in my last post. I won't plumb the depths of this but it's amazing the energy people put into pulling someone else down. Here the guys at Slice of Laodicea are actually going to send someone to the aids conference to get the facts. One glance at their "Purpose Driven Madness" category should give you a good idea on how unbiased their final report will be. I wonder what drives such people?

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  1. I'll make the first comment - I AM NOT PROMOTING WARREN - I'm just amazed at the energy against him.

  2. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Wow! Can't believe all the time and energy put into the 'anti-warren' site. Does make me sort of sad.

    I can see the Saddleback Church from my home. They have a good reputation in the community and I have a lot of friends and acquaintances who came to Christ there and attend regularly. We go to a Vineyard Church, but we have gone there with friends several times, their Christmas Eve services are incredible.

    I have heard Warren speak in a number of venues and he always presents the Gospel. What motivates this kind of reaction is beyond my comprehension. Notice how gracious he is in face of unrelenting criticism. To me it says a lot.

  3. Michael - thanks for the comments. It's good to hear some positive feedback.

    I visited Saddleback once while in CA for an International Vineyard Leaders Conference and had a positive take on the service. Warren wasn't preaching but the Gospel was presented and I saw nothing to make me think that this was unusual.

    With the internet and book publishing as it is these days, I guess there is little accountability. Our culture seems hungry for "dirt" and there is always someone willing to provide it.
