Sunday, November 12, 2006

spurgeon - great but ...

Phil Johnson posts a interesting piece on Charles Spurgeon in Pyromaniacs. I'm amazed. Spurgeon was a great man. I wonder how great his impact for the Kingdom might have been had he not had such a narrow view of Scripture?

This short quote may me feel truly sorry for the man.

The Holy Ghost does not reveal anything fresh now. He brings old things to our remembrance. "He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have told you." The canon of revelation is closed; there is no more to be added. God does not give a fresh revelation, but he rivets the old one. When it has been forgotten, and laid in the dusty chamber of our memory, he fetches it out and cleans the picture, but does not paint a new one.

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  1. Rick, even as a charismatic, I don't neccesarily disagree with that. What we often consider prophetic, the kind of word that really hits us and produces good fruit, is the kind that makes His eternal word fresh to us. His Word hasn't changed. His Spirit just cleanses our ears so we hear it as if it is new to us -- we have a greater understanding of He who has always been and always will be.

  2. I think that the Canon of Scripture is teaching that the Holy Spirit will continue to speak to us. This does not equal new Scripture but it may be information that we cannot find directly in Scripture.

    On the other hand, the norm would be exactly as you state, that is, He makes the written Word alive in our hearts.

    My issue is the idea that He cannot/will not reveal something not found directly in the Word.

  3. Rick,

    I did a post recently about Spurgeon and how he was open to go and preach to a group of Quakers...

    In that he noted they had vast theological differences yet agreed on the main points... very open there...

    His hope was to stir them on to be more expressive in their worship... and enter into a more voisterous worship instead of their chcoice of quiet meditation. He was disapointed in their lack of expression as the Spirit did come down...

    So in that I saw though Spurgeon spoke harshly against Armenianism... he was more open to his brothers in Christ that Phil is...

    Also within this same quote, he attacks modernity in its leanings on huamist reasoning and the denial of the "revelation" of God... which I have been personally attacked over teaching by those who hold Phil and Spurgeon in high regards...

    really without realizing it, Phil and his minion have allowed modernity, which Spurgeon taught against and spoke harshly of... to pervert their view of not only Spurgeon, but the bible... they have replaced a Biblical world view with humanistic reasoning... again... Spurgeon would be a bit perplexed at that usage of his teachings.


  4. Iggy - I hear ya and say a hearty amen! But what do I know, I also hear God.
