Tuesday, November 07, 2006

division for the sake of unity

John Piper's sermon, Watch Out for Those Who Lead You Away from the Truth is excellent. In it, he shows that Paul argues for unity over disagreement in Ro 14 but in Ro 16.17-20, Paul is promoting division over doctrinal issues as a way to preserve unity.

We are to rejoice in truth yet we need to distinguish between our opinion of truth and Biblical truth. In the case of the latter, we then need to appreciate that real unity only comes with upholding that truth, even if it means separating from those that disagree. In the case of the former, we must allow our love for unity to rule and prefer others over ourselves.

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  1. very nica blog.say the princess of
    the dead sea.

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I listened to the sermon. It is good and practical. I agree with him, and that is why you are still my friend even though you believe some weird things.
    Randy (no blog)

  3. For those reading along, you must know that when Randy first met me I was a "heretic". Eventually I was promoted to "misguided". Since then it has been many years of steady-state.

    If I'm reading the above comment correctly, I just received another promotion. I've moved from "misguided" to "a weird friend" status.

    I wonder if I can get into heaven with that?

    There's still hope.

    ;- )
