Monday, October 09, 2006

essential reading

It's top whatever book list time. Christianity Today has their list and Marc at Purgatorio has his. I like their lists. Some books wouldn't be on mine but ...

Here are the one's I think should have been included.

"The Search For Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God's Eyes" (Robert S. McGee)

"A Tale of three Kings: A Study in Brokenness" (Gene Edwards)

"Grace Unknown: The Heart of Reformed Theology" (R. C. Sproul)

"God's Lavish Grace" (Terry Virgo)

"Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism" (Crossway Books)

I'd have every believer go through ...

"Becoming A Contagious Christian" (Bill Hybels, Mark Mittelberg)

And rather than reading just one of his works, I'd make the stretch and recommend ...

"The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer (5 Vol. Set)" (Francis A. Schaeffer)

And of course, if it's by Piper, Grudem, Wimber, or Sproul, get it ...

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