Saturday, October 14, 2006

biblical leadership

I have no idea where I got this from but I'm confident that I didn't invent it ... but it's good and I want to post it.

Objectives of a Biblical Leader:

  1. Lead through serving your people well
  2. Multiply your ministry into the life of another
  3. Finish the race with integrity
As Christ followers, they turn from sin in their life (1 Jn 1:9; Ro 6:6), they spend time in God’s Word and in prayer (Col 3:16; 1 Pe 2:2), they thirst to continuously be filled with the Spirit (Ro 7:6; Eph 5:18), they use their gifts in ministry (Ro 12:3-8; 1 Pe 4:10-11), and they learn to perservere in adversity (Ro 5:3-5; Phil 1:29; 1 Pe 4:12-14).

Their character is consistently being transformed into the image of Christ instead of conformed to the world (Ro 8:28-39; 12:1-2; Phil 1:9-10) and developing into one worthy of leadership (1 Thess 1:3; 1 Tim 1:5; 3:1-15; 6:11; Tit 1:5-9).

Leaders have a heart for being caregivers. They see others with compassion, as Christ saw them in Mt 9:36-38 - distressed and downcast, in need of a good shepherd who will protect them and provide nurturing care for them. Deep in their hearts, leaders are convicted about the need to do ministry and use their gifts to shepherd others (Phil 1:8; 1 Thess 2:7-8; 1 Pet 5:1-4).

Leaders set direction, keeping the group focused and guided toward its purpose. Leaders also take the time to develop the skills they need to effectively facilitate a group (Mt 4:19; 9:36-38; Acts 6:1-7).

Leaders lead well because it is part of the way the Holy Spirit has designed them. Their design is compatible with the ministry to which they are called and with people with whom they must work. Teamwork in leadership is essential. Using their spiritual gifts to lead alongside others is the kingdom design for ministry (Acts 6:2; Ro 12:8; He 13:7, 17).

Spirit-led leaders are committed to the vision of the ministry, to Christ, to their calling, and to helping develop the members of their groups. They realize that leadership requires commitment, not convenience. Leaders are committed to seeing people grow in Christ and to reaching new people for Christ as they are able (Mt 28:18-20; Ro 16:3-4; 2 Tim 2:2).

Leadership is serving others and doing whatever it takes to accomplish the ministry. This means having time, energy, and resources at your disposal. Leaders must free themselves from unnecessary commitments and distractions so that they have the capacity (spiritual, emotional, and physical resources) to do what God has called them to do (1 Tim 3:4-5, 12).

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