Sunday, September 17, 2006

what's goin' on ...

I'm sitting here at NSV at 8:30 blogging away on my MacBook Pro using Ecto while watching my beautiful son set-up with the worship team here. How cool is that?

I love this MacBook - although I'm not used to the trackpad yet. I love Ecto - although it will not upload photo's (but that's really Blogger's fault). And I love Isaiah - although he doesn't know any of the song the band is playing right now.

We like it here at NSV. We went to a cool small group last week and plan to continue with them for awhile. At the same time we will look around at some of the others. This group has grown quite big and plan to address that by splitting the discussion time by male/female. Those of you that know me know I'm not keen on that approach. Too bad, they seem like a cool group - but I'm sure there are other cool groups out there.

Today we will also go to a church welcome lunch. That will be cool. I'll resist asking the senior pastor about female leadership, predestination, tithing v. offering, mode of baptism, tongues, etc..

One really cool thing that has been going on is that shortly after we moved into our neighborhood started having weekly "gatherings". We have some very, very nice neighbors and we've enjoyed connecting with them. We hope that we can develop some deeper relationships and through it all demonstrate the love of Christ to all of them.

Finally, computer-wise, I've got iTunes sorted out. Now I need to get some understanding of the inter-relationship between iPhoto, Aperture, and PhotoShop. Then I need to get Windows XP installed on this thing and working with Parallels. I'm hoping my Bible software, Logos, will be available for Mac by then. But my music manager, SongBase, is not planning to move to Mac so I need to run that in Windows.

So much to do ...

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