Friday, September 29, 2006


I try to resist all things political. I don't think Jesus would approve of either party in the US and as a Christian, I really struggle to find answers on the wide range of complex political issues. Too many people offer bumper sticker or party line solutions - I'm embarrassed to be associated with them.

Ray at Sacking Rome offers some challenging articles from time to time. I find him one sided and I'm often amazed at how he and those that comment on his blog get to the conclusions they do - but I presume he is a Christian and since most Christians equate their faith to being Republican, I read Ray's blog to try to understand other view points.

Here's an interesting article on a "torture" technique called waterboading. While I think I want to say I don't support torture, my brain doesn't process this as torture and I come out fully supportive.

Does anyone care to help me feel ok with this thinking or perhaps offer something constructive (not hateful) to help me think otherwise?

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  1. Anonymous9:34 PM


    I have a feeling that if you underwent waterboarding, you would reconsider your opinion.

    Everybody's a tough guy when it's somebody else on the rack.

  2. Oh believe me, I'm no tough guy. I so weak I think waking up before 7 am is torture.

    This is about an evaluation of right and wrong and I think this kind of treatment seems must humane relative to what is at risk.

    Following your logic we wouldn't even have prison. So I'm still left looking for solutions.
