Thursday, September 07, 2006

tomkitten poop

I have to thank Vince for pointing me to yet another reminder of how weird the world is.

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  1. I don't know how many of you have children; but let me clarify--in case you are wondering--that is not any baby's first poop.

    Infant bowel movements are SOFT and diarrhea-like until they begin to eat solid foods--which a 19 week old would not be doing yet. Plus I have kids that ate/pooped a lot when they were that age--and there is no way they pooped that much at one time.
    "What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun." - Eccl 1:9

    Really? So people were this weird before?!?!

  2. shannon - very insightful and i think you are generally correct - but remember, i easily bought into this because of isaiah ... well, 'nough said.

  3. yes, i agree that this is not an infants "movement." i have two children and neither of them have had any movements of this size. i just thought the story was profound enough for me to post it to my blog.
