Thursday, September 14, 2006

giving birth, that is, multiplication

Steve Addison has been running some Bob Logan quotes.
Most pastors think about growing healthy churches or growing large churches, but they typically don’t think of growing multiplying churches. . . . The best way to reach the harvest isn’t through large churches, or even through planting more churches, but through churches that multiply—whatever their size. Bob Logan, Be Fruitful and Multiply, 26.
I say a hearty amen to this but want to extend it beyond church planting. Healthy things give birth to healthy things. Healthy Christians birth healthy Christians. Healthy small groups birth healthy small groups. Healthy Churches give birth to healthy Churches.

When training small group leaders, we teach the grandfather principle. That is, it is not enough to have a deep or growing group. It is also not enough to multiply another group. One knows that one is successful when the group that has been birthed gives birth to another group. It is only then that we can start to know that we have truly discipled.

I think this holds true for our lives as individuals as well as for our larger communities. When we give away the ministry in a way that it is in turn given away to another generation, then we are making disciples as Christ made disciples.

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