Saturday, September 30, 2006

busy day

Today was busy. We started with the weekly Saturday service project at NSV - very cool. This is our second time but I think we will make it a family habit. Today Barb and Angela couldn't go but Isaiah and I had the opportunity to go help clean the apartment of a man suffering from spinal cancer. We got toilet duty but that was a good experience for us. I pray that this gentleman was blessed - certainly Isaiah and I were. I'm looking forward to next week.

Then Isaiah and I went to a New Driver Car Control Clinic. It was excellent! They had the kids go through some obstacle emergency handling scenarios. It really gave them a sense of the capability and limits of both the car and themselves. Isaiah did great even with that big Tahoe. Some of the other kids scared me a bit - they killed a lot of plastic cones - hopefully they learned and that's as bad as it will be. But I have low confidence.

Then we went to our neighborhood block party. We have been blessed with an interesting, diverse, and friendly bunch of neighbors. I got to speak with a couple of families regarding spiritual matters. One of them is considering attending a church closer to our home so perhaps we will be able to build a little relationship with them.

And now we are off to the movies. Isaiah's English teacher told him if he went to All the King's Men and wrote a short piece about it he could get some extra credit. I think it's a con but regardless, we're off to it now. Ciao.

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