Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Sorry - I've been gone a long time and unfortunately, this is just a test post. I'm trying to work out the new Mac world, our stuff from Germany arrived yesterday (and still unloading today), and now I'm giving ecto a trial run.

On the upside, we had a change to visit what seemed to be a great church Sunday. NorthStar Vineyard Community Church seems like a great group of people. Most of them are 20-30 somethings but Barb and I are still trying to pass as younger.

We liked it because while the "message" format was very much storytelling, the stories were of life experiences that flowed from Biblical living and were used to add application to Biblical teaching as opposed to what we saw at some other churches where the Bible was simply referenced as the speaker told of how to be a better person.

We'll see how it goes. I have to get back to unpacking. I just wanted to give this ecto thing a quick test.

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  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    hey rick. dontcha want to come back to germany?!? we miss you! just checked out the northstar website... great stuff. i'd go there!

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    no rick, come to Canada. We miss you as well. lol. You're going to have to make the 'Great World Tour' sometime down the road.
