Friday, August 04, 2006

it's just like christmas

It's just like Christmas around here - well, except for the thousand degree temperature and 300% humidity. Today my blog moved up to "wiggly worm" in the Truth Laid Bear tracking - very prestigious, only 19800 blogs ahead of me. This is far better than my technorati ranking of 151350 - so I'm sticking with the former if anyone asks.

Then, as if that wasn't good enough, my first ebay purchase arrived today. I picked up a legal copy of PhotoShop CS2. Yes, I'm finally doing it. I've been convicted (by God not the US courts) and I'm moving to 100% legal software. So I've moved from the dark ages by getting on board with ebay and I'm now ok in the sight of God. Wow! Can it get better?

Yes! It gets better. I also received 3 (that's right 3) HP PhotoSmart C3180 printers. Why? Because with my order of 3 (yes that's right, 3!) MacBook Pro's I get a rebate equal to the price of the printers so why not?

So that's the big news, we got two of the three MacBooks in. All three are the 17" 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo with 7200 rpm 100GB hard drives. Two are for Angela and Isaiah so I left them at 1GB of memory but I put mine at 2GB - 'cause I'm the Dad. Mine hasn't arrived yet because it is so special - well, that's what I'm telling myself.

Isaiah will run his alongside a 19" VGA monitor we had, Angela will use a 17" and I went with the 23" Mac Cinema HD Display.

Now we just need to figure out how to run all this stuff. Until then, I will continue to plug away on my Dell Latitude ...

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