Wednesday, August 02, 2006

human life is about god

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name ..." Mt 6.9

Dallas Willard - "Human life is not about human life. Nothing will go right until the greatness and goodness of its source and governor is adequately grasped. His very name is then held in the highest possible regard. Until that is so, the human compass will always be pointing in the wrong direction, and individual lives as well as history as a whole will suffer from constant and fluctuating disorientation" [The Divine Conspiracy, p. 259]

God's name must be honored - until then our world will remain out of whack. His honor and glory is our primary concern. Our sense of reality is not correct.

I look forward to seeing Him face to face in all of His glory.

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  1. It seems to me that the very reason our world is out of whack, particularly at this moment in history, is BECAUSE people think they are honoring God (their God, not the "other" people's God.) Maybe human life should be more about human life and less about these abstracts, or else we'll all be seeing Him face to face sooner rather than later.

  2. Christian - "seeing Him", do I read that to mean you acknowledge a "Him"? If so, then I'm unclear what you mean when you say "less about these abstracts".

    Are you acknowledging God or are you saying He is abstract?

    Sorry, just not following where you are coming from.

  3. God may or may not be real. Human beings indisputably are. I use the designation "Him," because that's the accepted proper pronoun. Could be a "Her," or an "It," an "All," or a "Nothing" as far as I or anyone else knows. All I'm saying is that we're killing each other in greater and greater numbers while keeping our eyes on the sky. Maybe we should worry less about the great "?" and more about the human life all around us here on earth.
    I sincerely mean no disrespect.

  4. None taken - I just wanted to understand what you were saying. Thanks for taking the time to clarify.

    As a believer in God (specifically God the father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, etc), I share your frustration [purposely understated] with the destruction on earth and especially that caused by "heavenly minded" people.

    We simply disagree on the solution and that would be natural given I'm convinced "He" exists and you are not.

  5. As a Bible believing person, a follower of Christ, I understand and place a great value on keeping my eye's/my focus on God.

    The problem is not keeping our focus on 'the sky' but rather the riple effects from that are supposed to come from it. Many people proclaim with their lips that they have their eye's on God, but have not love in their hearts--they do nothing to improve the world around them.

    The Bible talks in great detail about the things that Jesus Christ came to earth for. He came to save the lost, heal the sick, help the helpless, and much more. And if we are followers of Christ, wanting to be like Him--then it should stand to reason that we would continue His work.

    Christ taught that there was no greater love than one who would lay down his life for a friend. How have you sacrificed yourself today?

    These are not things for certain organizations, certain people to handle or our local church. What are we doing? What am I doing?

    Christian, what are you doing to improve the world around you? Who around you would be able to say that you have improved their life today?
