Monday, August 28, 2006

holy power

From Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy.

"The engulfment came upon them - with quite racket, right out of that sky into which only ten days earlier they had seen Jesus disappear. Peter then stood at the heart of the Jewish world and reinterpreted the call that G0d had anciently placed upon the Jewish people to be a light and a blessing to all nations. 'The promise of living in a holy power other than ourselves,' he said, 'was not just for the little group of disciples at the time. It was also to all the people of Jerusalem, as well as to their children, and to others no matter how far away, as the Lord draws them to Himself.'" (Acts 2.39)

The Kingdom of God is here. We must turn completely from our old way of thinking and acting and live lives worthy of who He is and what He has done for us. In all that we say and do we must be ambassadors of the King.

While I firmly believe this includes "signs and wonders", it flows from an inner life of right living by the power of the Holy Spirit.

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." (Ro 14.17) The outward signs are only right when overflowing from a God empowered inner-self.

"So the Kingdom of the Heavens, from the practical point of view in which we all must live, is simply our experience of Jesus' continual interaction with us in history and throughout the days, hours, and moments of our earthly existence." - Willard

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