Sunday, July 23, 2006

life's greatest aim

Todd Pierce delivered another good message today at Mason Vineyard Church entitled Life's Greatest Aim. This sermon served as an overview for an upcoming series on the topic of love.

The Priority of Love
  1. Without love, all we say is ineffective (1 Co 13.1, Ep 4.15).
  2. Without love, all we know is incomplete (1 Co 13.2, 8.1). "Knowledge gives a big head while love gives a big heart."
  3. Without love, all we believe is insufficient(1 Co 13.2, Gal 5.6).
  4. Without love, all we give is insignificant (1 Co 13.3). "You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving."
  5. Without love, all we accomplish is inadequate (1 Co 13.3).
The Practice of Love
  1. Love is an action; it is more than a feeling, it is something we do (1 Co 13.4-5). A demonstration is more than an inclination. As described in John 13, having loved his own, Jesus demonstrated love by then serving them and ultimately giving His life.
  2. Love is a choice (1 Co 13.6-8).
The Permanence of Love
  1. Love is eternal (1 Co 13.7-8).
  2. Love is a lifestyle (Jn 13.34-35). Jesus turned the familiar phrase "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" into "do unto others as I have done unto you".
Now let's go love.

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