Sunday, July 09, 2006

general stuff

Here's a personal message from Jesus.

That message has inspired me go buy the new ESV "to do" Bible.

We will visit VCC (the larger Vineyard Church in Cinci) today.

As of yesterday all phones are working, I'm learning to work the voice mail system, our internet (T5 - wireless is limiting me to 54.0 Mbps but when I plug into the ethernet, I'm looking at twice that) is hooked up, our television cable is in, and the Sony KDS-R50XBR1 is all set-up.

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  1. Wow, Jesus looks so American. I would never have thought that.

  2. Welcome back to the States, Rick. FWIW, I just got back from Vegas for a family reunion. Stayed in the Paris hotel. Next to it, of course, are other casino/hotels with similar European and worldly cultures bastardized for the sake of commerce. I was ashamed.

    Sometimes I think I'm just going to start telling people I'm Canadian.
