Saturday, July 29, 2006

4 way test

I picked this up from an article by Mike McLoughlin ...

Herbert J. Taylor was a Christian Business man, who influenced his generation with the gospel. He penned the Four Way Test as an ethical standard for communication in business. It is excellent wisdom for Christian bloggers. It asks four questions of all we think, say and do. For Christian bloggers, the test needs to be applied to what they write.
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
I think this is excellent advice for those interested in upholding truth in a world where the only absolute truth lies in Scripture. As we spur each other on toward Christ-likeness and confront those that stand against His truth, we would do well to keep these principles in mind.

Read here for McLoughlin's complete article.


  1. Interesting blog rick--I agree with some of your concerns(from COT & Pyro) & at the same time maybe disagreeing with your perspective on McLaren.

  2. I'm at it again.
    Please comment: good or bad--it's all good stuff. :D

  3. Scott - I agree - it's tough to defend McLaren. My struggle is with others that find it easy to attack him.

    As I read what they write, I find nothing (that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, I just haven't seen it yet) that equates to heresy. I find some stuff that is questionable and I find some stuff that leaves me wondering what his position is - but heresy?

    Mostly what I find in the writing of others is a lack of understanding of what McLaren is saying. They start from a negative bias and read that into McLaren's ambiguity. I think that is very wrong. I think that is more wrong than McLaren's unclear positions.

    So I'm not defending him. I'd like to understand some of his points better. If he is a heretic someone should point to a clear statement supporting that. And if it doesn't exist, they should stop sinning with their public attacks.

    By the way, I dropped by your blog - good stuff. Keep it up.
