Saturday, June 17, 2006

what kind of church is needed?

"What the world needs today is not a better program church. It does not need a more technologically savvy church. Nor does it need a better marketed church. It needs a church that is filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit." - Rich Nathan

God is giving gifts by His grace. Some can grasp the concept of grace relative to justification. Some can grasp the concept of grace relative to glorification. But few grasp the concept of grace as it applies to everyday living. God uses ordinary people. Charismata flows from the word for gifts which has at its root grace. This not something we can earn.

The church needs to be supernatural. Actually, we must be "naturally supernatural". We must demonstrate the power of the Kingdom of God in the whole of our life. This should lead to righteousness, that is, holy living. We should have a bond of love between us. We move in unity under the headship of our one Lord and King. And when God wants us involved in signs and wonders, we must do that too.

When John Wimber was asked what the secret to his preparation for demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit, his answer was the much maligned, "I drink a diet coke." Those that don't like John or what he stood for heard a disregard for the Word of God and spiritual disciplines. This of course ignores the reality of this great man's life. John was very big on these. What he was saying was that being righteous, living holy, performing miracles, etc., is not something one "conjures" up - it is all an outflow of life in the Spirit. The study of God's Word, prayer, fasting, meditation, simplicity, worship, etc.. This is what we do. Acting out a life of Christlikeness is a lifestyle. We need no special preparation for some big show. It's not about that.

Naturally supernatural - life in the Spirit - day in and day out - it beats all programs, systems, etc. that we man can think of. It's what the world needs from the church.

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