Thursday, June 15, 2006

the potty ipod

Vince just tipped me off that the Potty iPod is now available.

Potty iPod holder puts relief on the playlist

For those of us who can't even part with our iPods long enough to take care of bathroom business, Atech Flash Technology has come up with the perfect little gadget.

The iCarta is a toilet paper dispenser and iPod player in one. Never again will iPod lovers face the discomfort of choosing between their potty and their portable music ...

Four high-performance, moisture-resistant speakers make the iCarta durable enough to withstand bathroom emergencies induced by even the spiciest of foods.

When nature calls, simply respond by plugging your MP3 player into the $99.95 iCarta. Easy-to-use controls allow for one-handed navigation, ensuring you never have to listen to Shakira, when the potty break is really calling for Nelly.[more]

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