Friday, June 02, 2006

national doughnut day

Today was a little tough for me as an American living in Germany. As I'm sure most of you are aware, today was National Doughnut Day.

National Donut Doughnut Day was established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation Army to raise much-needed funds during the Great Depression and to honor the work of World War I Salvation Army volunteers who prepared doughnuts for thousands of soldiers. National Doughnut Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday in June.

To make things worse, Krispy Kreme celebrated by offering customers a free doughnut. The only consolation is that I prefer Dunkin' Donuts who sadly missed out on this opportunity to bless those of us loyal to their doughnut tradition.

I like Dunkin' Donuts because of childhood tradition (we didn't have Krispy Kreme in New Jersey), they are heavier like a doughnut ought to be, and I prefer the spelling better - Donut versus Doughnut ... the latter seems too British ... of course the Brits don't have anything as wonderful as this no matter how it is spelled.

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