Saturday, June 17, 2006

dividing evangelical pastors

Mark Dever, in Assumptions and Pursuits, writes "the most basic practical division among evangelical pastors today may be between those who pursue faithfulness and assume relevance and those who pursue relevance and assume faithfulness." This excellent article is a must read. Dever describes how we all fit on a continuum. None of us desire to be on the extreme. In fact we all probably think we are somewhere nicely centered.

Probably none of us have have perfectly found that "sweet spot". And worse, when we see someone skewed one way or the other from where we perceive ourselves, we focus on the difference and what is wrong with the other's position.

As fellow believers, we should probably spend more time celebrating what we have in common and then allowing healthy discussion of our differences to find out where both of us have room for adjustment. We can actually benefit from our differences.

Too often we seek first to find the difference and then attack as if we control the Holy Spirit to change the other. Wrong.

Let's learn to love more - come along side brothers to help them rather than viewing them as enemies. I think this is more pleasing and glorifying to God.

Dever closes with this excellent reminder:
Consider what you and I will do to the Gospel message in our churches if we continue to change the "presentation" of the Gospel until we begin to get a response.

Pursue faithfulness and relevance. Know that the Gospel is always relevant. NEVER assume the Gospel.
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