Saturday, June 10, 2006

christian perspective on zarqawi death

While I had a sense of relief with the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, I have found myself repulsed by some of the "humor" sent my way on this topic. I think Reid Ferguson perfectly articulated the Christian response.
There is place for sighs of relief and genuine gladness that the threat is gone - but no place, I repeat NO PLACE, for wicked gloating over the sin-bound life and violent death of one of Adam's sons made in the image of God as much as you or me. None.

Did he deserve to hear the Gospel? As much as you or I. Was he more sinful than you and me? Only in manifestion, not in state. There but for the grace of God go I - and you. And the pictures of his wounded, dead corpse only make me grieve over the horror of sin's claim on our lives apart from God intervening grace.

Yes, al-Zarqawi is a threat I am glad no longer exists. But dancing on his grave, is as depraved as excusing his crimes. [more]
If you're still not sure, see God's Word (Pr 24.17-18).

HT: Pyromaniacs

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