Wednesday, June 21, 2006

cat worship

Post on NextReformation an anecdote by Mike Riddell.
There was once a teacher of great faith and insight. Several disciples gathered round him to learn from his wisdom. It so happened that each time the small community met in prayer, the cat would come in and distract them. The teacher ordered the cat tied whenever the community prayed. Eventually the great one died, but the cat continued to be tied up at worship time. When the cat died, another cat was bought to make sure that the teacher’s wishes were still faithfully observed. Centuries passed, and learned treatises were written by scholarly disciples on the liturgical significance of tying up a cat while worship is performed …
Sadly, that is an accurate picture of so much of what we do in church these days. God grants us a wonderful gift/talent and we do one of two things. We reject it due to fear, or perhaps we reject the person or way He brings the gift, or perhaps it doesn't fit our "theological grid", etc.. Or we are at the other extreme. We embrace it but move quickly to package it and ultimately completely lose sight of what the gift was about.

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