Friday, May 12, 2006

osteen buys houston

Lakewood Church to buy Houston, rename city Housteen

Mayor Bill White announced Sunday that the city of Houston has been sold to Lakewood Church for approximately $2 billion and is officially changing its name to Housteen, citing the massively deep pockets and ever-surging population of Joel Osteen Ministries.

"We weren't so sure about it at first, but they started waving that cash in our faces, and hey...this is Houston. You know we can't resist cold, hard cash. For $2 billion, they can call it 'Rimjobville' for all I care," Mayor White said. "Besides, think about how many strip malls and suburbs we can build now! We'll be bigger than L.A.!" [more]


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  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    No way man, as long as you don't use the entire post, we're all for it. We just take issue with someone taking an entire article and using it to the point where we get minimal to no credit and it appears as if the post came from their blog.

    Link away! We appreciate it! Nice blog, btw.

  2. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Wickedly funny. :)
