Wednesday, May 10, 2006

mclaren on da vinci

And now McLaren weighs in on The Da Vinci Code. See here for interesting comments. I have to say I like a lot of this guy's thinking.
For all the flaws of Brown's book, I think what he's doing is suggesting that the dominant religious institutions have created their own caricature of Jesus.
and this one - ouch! (well - ouch for some - I'm ok with it)
The book is fiction and it's filled with a lot of fiction about a lot of things that a lot of people have already debunked. But frankly, I don't think it has more harmful ideas in it than the Left Behind novels.
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  1. sometimes I wonder if he just says stuff to stir things up. He's smart enough to debate the best of them...and he's smart enough to not leave little soundbites out there. I guess ultimately he likes a good debate...

  2. West Chester - small world. As of 1 July, we will be residents of Mason.

  3. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I have to completely agree with you on this one. :)
