Monday, April 03, 2006

haso on worship

Haso replied to my post about worship with "...why don´t we worship more often outside our church buildings ... I had some of my very best times of savoring the lord in supermarkets, airports and in local public traffic. The consciousness of having god as my god - enjoyed right in the middle of the "babylonian system" - is an overwhelming blessing ..."

I like this guy. Note the proper spelling of "savor" versus "savour". If you can read German (I don't), his blog Hasos Tafel seems to be worth checking out.

Anyway, excellent insight. Too often we define worship as something done within the camp when it should also be something we do outside the camp. At some level, we worship in all places at all times.

Obviously this is Biblical - but I suppose because of our traditions and culture, we show up to God one way at "church" and another way when not at "church". What is that about? Not good!

Imagine the impact to the world if we showed up in every moment of every day worshiping God and living out His Kingdom? I'm not saying that we need to make a public spectacle, it could be as Haso said, "at such times I make no 'public declaration', but sing and make music in my heart to the Lord". That is sort of a private thing done in public. I like that and that would probably be the norm, but I don't think it will always be that. And either way, that type of communion with God would be powerful.

I suppose it would be just like what we read about in the Bible ... [sigh] go figure ... Bible stuff happening today, cooool.

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  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    hi rick,

    thx for your nice remarks. in spelling words like "savor" i follow pauline ethics (1.corinthians 9,20-22). years ago i asked a friend of mine, who is british, to check an english text, which i had written. of course he corrected one of those "-or"-words into "-our", followed by the remark: "-our is patriotic duty." since that time i am aware that spelling is a matter of regional orthodoxy.

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Of course, we should always have an attitude of worship. I always appreciate someone properly invoking the name of the Lord in public or saying, "God Bless you." I suppose it depends on why you want your worship to be public. Jesus scolded those who wanted others to notice their public worship, offering, prayer, etc. He advised going into one's closet. I've always had a problem with the "rally around the pole" events. They seem to be staged to draw attention to the kids around the pole, not to the appropriate object of our worship. It always seems odd that the organizers call the newspapers and TV stations to cover the event. Just my 2 cents worth.
    Randy B.

  3. nice addition randy b. you should start your own blog. what do you think rick?

  4. I think the randy b starting a blog should be a sign of the end times - ah, that's a good thing.
