Sunday, April 16, 2006

good restaurants

The world's 50 best restaurants have been announced. I have not been to any of them. Strange - because I have sampled a lot of restaurants. Oh well, for what it's worth, here's my top 10 (not in any order):
  1. McDonald's
  2. Hardee's (best intro)
  3. Wendy's
  4. Fuddrucker's (pretty good intro)
  5. T.G.I. Friday's
  6. White Castle
  7. Outback Steakhouse
  8. my mom's house
  9. my wife's house
  10. Tammy C's place (lacks web page)
Ok - try them and let me know what you think.

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  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I'd like to try #9. Do I have an invitation?

  2. you waited too long to come to Germany but you are always welcome in Cinci - DV
