Tuesday, April 25, 2006

get your community's attention

In the Pastors.com article, How to Get Your Community's Attention, Rick Warren writes;
It didn’t used to be this hard. In the earlier part of last century, this wasn’t as much of a problem for churches. The church was usually the biggest building in town, the pastor was often the most educated and prominent person in town, and the church program was the social calendar of the community. You automatically had everyone’s attention.
I agree. Times have changed and the method for presenting the Gospel has changed. BUT - there's more to this. The method has changed from that which was employed by those described above. For me, the above was not right for that time either. The change, then and now, is to present the power of the Gospel as Christ and the Apostles did. Not based on earthly credentials but based on heavenly power.

The Kingdom of God is the power to change lives. It is only in this that the message can be seen and heard.

Warren continues;
Written into the bylaws of Saddleback Church is this sentence: "This church exists to benefit the residents of the Saddleback Valley by providing for their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, and social needs.” Our objective is to minister to the total person. We do not limit our ministry to so-called “spiritual” needs only. People cannot be compartmentalized. Their needs spill over onto each other. And we believe God cares about every part of a person’s life.
Again I say an "Amen" and a "But". The above is absolutely right if it results in a power Gospel and not a social gospel - start meeting the needs of people and they will want to know the source of that healing. If it is from human "goodness", then we can give them nothing. If it is from God above, we can point them to the Giver of Life.
People are ... looking for freedom from fear, guilt, worry, resentment, discouragement, and loneliness. … If your church is meeting these kinds of needs, you won’t have to worry about pressuring people to attend.
When the Kingdom of God is at work people will show up. Ultimately it will be to join or to persecute - but they will show up.


  1. good point - when the Kingdom is at work, people will be affected... great encouragement!

  2. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Hi Rick,

    Unfortunately, too often Christians get caught up in inventing new methods of outreach or trying to “power evangelize” unbelievers and forget that actually the words of Paul in 1 Timothy chapter 2, that first of all we have to pray for the lost around us. Nothing in its power can compete with prayers for the lost. And this is Paul’s point here, when he says that we should pray for those who are around us. This passage, for many years served as a battleground between Armenians and Calvinists, and in this battle we overlook the importance and priority of our prayers for the lost:

    "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. … I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. "

    The prayer for the lost in many churches is usually mentioned as a side note, or some Sundays even not mentioned at all. Instead we pray for many other practical things, healings etc. including the wisdom how to come up with new methods of reaching those who are lost.
