Saturday, March 11, 2006

tips for marriage

Jim Meredith loves February because it is the month of love. For that reason, he provides three simple tips. Since he has been married for 50 years, he may have something we can benefit from.
  1. Each must model Jesus Christ to the other. We are each first called to a personal walk with the God of the universe, through Christ alone. Each must first fall in love with Jesus. Each must become 'Jesus with skin on' to the other. Jesus comes to us through our mate more 'livingly' than any other medium, for marriage is the sanctuary of incarnation.
  2. Each partner is called to minister to the other at the point of his or her need. Each delights in serving the other, as unto Christ. Understanding that each is God's provision for the other is absolutely essential to ensure harmony and fulfillment in marriage. Both striving to minister to each other, not thinking of himself or herself 'more highly than one ought', seals the bonds of friendship, intimacy and trust. Communication of needs, hopes, and dreams is important, but ministering to each other yields a deep, rich form of communion which often exceeds verbal communication.
  3. Finally, mates must pray for each other. Guys, pray for and with your wife! (For many years, Barbara and I have been praying together right before we drift off to sleep.) The Holy Spirit will make your sweetheart a beautiful woman, as she blossoms from the inside out. Speak into her life through prayer first, and then encourage her with words of acceptance, appreciation, and affirmation. Guys, check out Eccl 9:9 and memorize it. Your wife is God's gift to you. Cherish your gift and give thanks to God. Don't ever speak words of behavioral change to her until you have first spoken to your heavenly Father, and let Him solve the issue and mold your mate into His likeness.
Now go love your wife.

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